Animating Chess Set; ebony & ivory,
nice box, 1d30 pieces remain, one use each, roll d20 to determine type, if
max/type has been reached, substitute Pawn
Pawn 16 Warrior, XPL 1, HP 10, AC 14,
aids up to 24hrs
Rook 4 Enlarges to permanent
two-story stone Tower Keep
Knight 4 Knight, XPL 10, AC 17, D
BW+1, HP 70, aids 3T
15-17 Bishop 4 Casts one Spell; Restore,
Resurrect, or Regenerate
18-19 Queen 2 Valkyrie; XPL 15, AC 20, D BW+3, HP 100, aids 1T
20 King 2 Summons any other piece to act on Party behalf
18-19 Queen 2 Valkyrie; XPL 15, AC 20, D BW+3, HP 100, aids 1T
20 King 2 Summons any other piece to act on Party behalf
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