SCROLLS (d6) 1-4 Sorcerer, 5-6 Clerical
Spell Level (d20)
1-5 First 16 (d6) 1-3 Sixth, 4-5 Seventh, 6 Eighth
6-9 Second 17 Two Spells; Roll 1d12 & 2d8 on this table
10-12 Third 18 New Spell or (Treasure) Map/Document, per DM
13-14 Fourth 19 Protection or Potion Recipe, per DM
15 Fifth 20 DM Choice (or leads to/is a Spellbook)
Protection (d10) Penned only by Elder Knights, (#s 1-7) prevent all physical AT, all Saves vs +3, as Protection from Evil10’, duration 10+1d10r, (#s 8-10) single individual, duration 1T
1 vs Undead 6 vs Summoned/Conjured
2 vs Demons 7 Anti-Magic (2-way Null Field, Spells/Effects/Items)
3 vs Elder Species 8 vs Fang & Claw (half damage)
4 vs Extradimensional 9 vs Weapons (half damage, 1:6 vs Magic Weapons)
5 vs Spawn of Shog-Gnargoroth 10 Magic Resistance (50% vs 12 XPL, +/- 5%/XPL, 1T)
SPELLBOOKS Permanent records of Spell formulae Sorcerous
Random Grimoire Title (d12 line, d4 column, x3 or x4) Authors
1 Luminous Codex Mastery Seventh 1 Mord the Mad
2 Knowledge Esoterica Ancient Fallen 2 Eibon of Mu Thulan
3 Coruscating Whispers Revelation Cabal 3 Crepulon the Curious
4 Enlightenment Grimoire Oneiric Valusia 4 Ool the Odd
5 Canticle Shadow Eldritch Lens 5 Mingusdu the Mild
6 Manuscript Shards Unnamed Scribe 6 Altaire of Calantos
7 Hyborian Rapture Insight Beyond 7 Zuul the Merciless
8 Lachrymose Far Algol Forgotten Carcosa 8 Pennelyn the Wise
9 Mnemonic Libram Sublime Sigil 9 Kane the Cursed
10 Attainment Mirror Unspoken Iridium 10 Inconnu the laughing
11 Formulae Enchiridium Skelos Eidetic 11 Phandal, Gnarchmagi
12 Luminous Repository Shibboleth Secret 12 Malengar the Unlucky
Magic Wards (1:6) Weird Form Random Grimoire Spells/Content
1 Fire Trap (d6+12) Broken Clay Tablet (2d4 pieces) 13 of Lvls 1-4 each
2 Glyph/Symbol Tattooed on Human Skin 7 of Lvls 4-7 each
3 Summons Carved into Twisting Vine ‘Tobin’s Spirit Guide’
4 Wither Limb Chiseled into Sarcophagus 1d6+3 of Lvls 1d4+3 each
5 Sleep, 24hr Massive Tusk/Horn Scrimshaw 3d4 of Lvl 1d6, & Treasure Map
6 Venomous Bite Corroded Alloy Foil Scroll 2d4+1, only New Spells, per DM
7 Wizard Locked Engraved on Fragile Mirror ‘Grimtooth’s Golem Grimoire’
8 Age, 10+1d10yrs Pattern of Scales on Snake Hide Recipes; 1d4+1 Potions
9 Magic Mouth Oversized Triptych, Brass Plates Four 1st, three 2nd, two 3rd, one 4th
10 Guards/Wards Mummified Wing of Pterosaur 3 each Lvls 4-6
11 Malefic Curse Relief on 1000lb Iron Column 1 each Lvls 2-8
12 Magic Mirror ‘Treasure-bound’ (500GP/Spell) Three Lvl 8, one Lvl 9
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