Friday, September 9, 2011

Advanced Medicine/Drugs, Simple Table

DRUGS (d24)  Delivery (d10): 1-4 Hyposerum, 5-7 Pill or Capsule, 8/9 Aerosol Spray, 10 Compressed Gas.  Duration and degree of effectiveness variable, determine on fly,'cause you never really know, do you?  Designed for Humanoids; effect on others diminished or otherwise different

1. Antitox: negates toxins         13. Truth: unable to lie       
2. Slowdose: as Slow Spell      14. Hercurin: +STR                
3. CON-Boost: +CON               15. Nomutal: immune Mutation
4. Megalert: +Initiative              16. Antirad: 1/2 Rad damage     
5.Innoculate: immune Disease  17. K-O: renders Unconscious    
6. Stasis: Metabolic Inhibitor     18. Paralysis: yep, paralysis
7. Medic: Heals damage           19. Mutation: virus, specific      
8. Recreational: hmmmm          20. Hypergen: regenerate            
9. Nopaine: adds HP                 21. Stimdose: as Haste
10. Psi-Boost: +WIS                  22. Rage: induces Berserk        
11. Naptine: Sleep                     23. Biofilter: removes Disease      
12. Realign: restores DNA         24. New Idea

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