Thursday, February 10, 2011

Temple o' the Toad pt 2

FEB 10, 2011

Both Gorn and Thorax remain in "room 11", lamenting their numerous Withered limbs, the result of a previous encounter with Froglodyte Mummies, sharing Quinn's "Ring of Regenerating (1HP/hr) While you Sleep", which apparently also restores atrophied limbs in lieu of its usual effect.(1limb/day). Thorax's idea!

A new Gnarticle was added to the lexicon when the tarry, coin-encrusted Froglodyte Mummy burst forth from what Tarkus Traptripper termed a "Gnarcophagus"! Rose employed her Silence Spell to great effect, rendering the Spellcasting abilities of the ancient amphibian Mummies useless.

After returning to the "locked, seemingly secure" room 11 for like the fourth time, the party finally decides to investigate the mysterious stone block with undecipherable runes! Xy the Mutant Mastermind used Psychometry to reveal a vision of the block being pivoted aside to reveal a cavity... from which Sot Palad drew forth a Dagger of Venom from a suspiciously-unlocked box, and Failed save vs Spells to avoid plunging it into his chest! Reduced to 2HP, the Wizard chose to immediately place the weapon "back in the box"... not realizing that the Save vs Suicide Stab was written as a one-time occurrence, which only happens the FIRST time a character handles the object! Otherwise, it is a semi-living um... thing, which produces up to 3 doses of Venom/day, doing 3d6 dam, save for 1/2. I had concerns that introducing this weapon would spur the combat-foolhardy mage into ill-advised melee even more often, or that the unscrupulous PCs would pull something like, "Would you trade that Potion for a Magic Dagger? Here, check it out..." However, in typically unpredictable fashion, nothing I anticipated occurred, and this potent, deadly weapon now lies "safe" in a box somewhere in Sot's backpack! Still, its gonna be fun when it gets hungry, and starts rattling around in there!

A second visit to the "Hatchery" room revealed that the strange reptilian egg remains incubating in its nest, and Tarkus once again expressed desire to take it, noting that "and least I could throw it at something", but is once again dissuaded, "at least till we leave the dungeon"

We leave off with the party entering the natural caverns where the natural pool is located, and being confronted by five table-sized Massive Toads...

("Temple of the Toad" is my version of The Fane of St Toad ... but there are so many Frog Gods and God Frogs and such... isn't it also the name of another adventure, or something?)

1 comment:

Pat said...

Yes, Temple of the Toad is definitely a well-used title. I remember using it in a MUD 20 or so years ago, and I'm pretty sure I've seen the same name used a couple of times on the various blogs. Dave Arneson had the Temple of the Frog adventure way back when, and I recall a Robert E. Howard story about a temple with a toad-shaped jewel.