Friday, May 4, 2012

Besmirched with Copious Gore


1. DON'T PANIC.  Sooner or later, that Character is gonna die.  Keep cool.

2. CARRY A TOWEL.  You will likely be Besmirched with Copious Gore within minutes of the first Random Encounter.  Cost 1-3 CP, Encumbrance 1 GP.  Those lacking towels suffer -2 on Reaction Dice (if they have not washed-up since last combat)

Magic Item: Towel of Absorption 
     Terrycloth gimcrack that completely wipes a character clean in one rnd, leaving no trace of dreck on either the person or the towel itself.  One in Ten have the additional property of Absorbing up to 20 lvls of Magical Spells cast at the user (10+1d10); the Towel will Absorb Mental Spells if wrapped around the head, or Absorb Physical Damage Spells if tied around the neck like a cape, all other types of Spells are covered by wrapping the Towel around the waist like a kilt.  Drawback: Encounters with sentient beings will likely involve the question, "Is that a towel... that you're wearing?"

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