Sunday, February 13, 2011


 I love the classic sci-fi device of transporting (modern) humans from Earth to Strange New Worlds, a fun idea also found on both Athanor and Algol, to name only two.  Link below to the original tables I stole the idea from!

EARTHMAN ORIGIN TABLE (d24) and the Things They Carry.
01 Archaeological accident &/or curse, has safari helmet
02 Was LARPing in steam tunnels, has aluminum foil hat and dice
03 Is dreaming... maybe?  Has any one minor mundane item of choice
04 Out of body experience/Astral Projection, has earplugs and eye-mask
05 Took bad drugs, believes reality is an hallucination, has disposable lighter
06 Bitten by mysterious wolf, has pentacle on palm
07 Was dabbling in Super Science, has calculator watch
08 Unwilling/Willing subject of occult experiment gone right, has faith
09 Unwilling/Willing subject of scientific experiment gone wrong, has vendetta
10 Remembers only a beam of light... has car keys, credit card, and cell phone
11 Stayed up late exploring RPG Blogs on the net, passed out, has beer bottle
12 Abducted by aliens, has repressed memories
13 Was trying to find the lavatory at a Grateful Dead show, has ticket stub
14 Cursed by a filthy street person, still has the 75 cents
15 Deceased and and bodily reincarnated, has embalming scars
16 Was at Stonehenge at the wrong solstice, has worthless quartz crystal
17 Was in a tornado, is accompanied by small dog
18 Was in an seeking the hollow earth, a cryptozoid, or lost city, has machete
19 Lost in a corn maze on Halloween, has costume &/or mask
20 Rock climbing/hiking/kayaking, met with strange cloud, has Swiss army knife
21 Passenger, crew or pilot, sailed into the Bermuda Triangle, has flask of liquor
22 Separated from tour group at the Great Pyramids, has visitor's map
23 Shipwrecked, has a compass and probably a beard
24 Struck or seriously injured and is in a coma, was clutching hospital bill

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